Dealing with rogue listings is like whack-a-mole—annoying, but necessary. First, claim the listing if possible. Even if you “don’t control” that site anymore, try to verify ownership. Once you’re in, update or delete as needed. If that’s not an option, look for a “suggest an edit” or “report incorrect info” link. Provide proof that the listing is outdated—screenshots of your official site, old address documents, etc. Don’t be shy about emailing site administrators; some directories might be run by a skeleton crew that rarely updates anything. If that doesn’t work, escalate: consider sending a formal request on legal letterhead—nobody wants a lawsuit on their hands. If all else fails, flood the web with correct data so that the outdated listing sinks to oblivion in search results. It’s not glamorous, but letting stale data linger can murder your brand’s credibility.